Thursday, November 24, 2011

Give Thanks

I wanted to wish everyone a joyful Thanksgiving day. Enjoy this time with your family, watching football, eating delicious food or simply relaxing.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Leg Gauntlet

I have tried many different leg workouts depending on the sport in season during high school and college. But now that I am no longer athletically competitive I have adopted my own leg workout to allow my thigh muscles to actually fit in a pair of skinny jeans.

I love using dumbbells and the cable machine for leg workouts. Instead of doing squats using a barbell with tons of weight (that was normally required for sports) I like to do different variations of squats and lunges for 15-20 reps allowing longer leaner muscle to develop. I normally do a leg workout twice a week and those two workouts are always the hardest.

Here is my most recent leg workout that has continuously made me sore for two days afterwards. I like to do supersets, to keep my heart rate up and really burn out my legs. For more information on supersets, click here.

A1: Walking lunges (10lb dumbbells) 3 sets 15 reps each leg
-I enjoy the walking lunges because if forces you to tighten your core to maintain balance as well and allows for fluid movement from one lunge to the next. It is good to switch up the exercises to keep your body guessing and there are numerous versions of the basic lunge to change up your workout.
A2: Plie Dumbbell Squat (hold both 10lb dumbbells together) 3 sets 15-20 reps

B1: Glute Ham Raise (10lb plate weight held on the chest) 3 sets 15-20 reps
-This workout is great for all of the muscles on the backside of your body. There are various machines in gyms that you can do this on. In addition to the one shown in the video, here is another variation that works equally well.
B2: Lying Leg Curls 3 sets 10 reps
- I like to do one leg at a time to ensure I am not overcompensating for a weaker side.

C1: One Leg Cable Kickback (10lb plate) 3 sets 15 reps each leg
C2: Calf Press on Leg Press Machine (140 lb) 3 sets 8-10 reps

D1: Jumping Squats 3 sets 25 reps
D2: Bridge 3 sets 20 reps each leg
- I like to do this one with only one foot on the ground at a time. I raise the other leg so my leg is extended parallel to the floor

If you can manage, go for a 20-30 minute jog following your weight lifting. It is easy to adjust this workout based on your goals. Increase the weight, and decrease the reps if you are wishing to build more bulk. I prefer to have lighter weights and higher reps. You should alter every one of these exercises and change up the types of exercises for your legs  every couple workouts. Good luck getting onto the toilet after this workout!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Canning

One of my favorite things about fall is the delicious fruits and vegetables that accompany the crisp air. When I was at my parents a few weekends ago, my mom was busy canning peaches and tomatoes. I managed to take some back home with me. Canned fruits and vegetables are nice to have when the dead of winter doesn't want to give way to spring and are very versitle when cooking.

Peaches and cottage cheese are one of my favorite snacks, and it will be nice to enjoy this high protein snack year round. This snack is one of my favorite pre workout snacks, as it provides protein, sugar and carbs to give me a boost in my workout.

The tomatoes this year were pokey, but when they finally ripened, were delicious. I can't wait to enjoy these year around. Last week, I made Chili with a jar of my mom's tomatoes. Chili is such an easy soup to make that boasts lots of protein.

You can put whatever you would like in your chili, here is generally what I add...

Canned diced tomatoes
Kidney beans
Black beans
Tomato paste
Ground turkey
Chili powder

Brown the turkey, and combine all ingredients in large pot. Cook over low heat for several hours. Enjoy!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Sunny Friday!

Hello sunshine! I am not sure about the weather near you but for me, this week has been absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to get outside this weekend and enjoy the sun (I have been missing my vitamin D).

Try to get out this weekend, soak up some rays, go to a farmers market or take a walk through your neighborhood. Do you have any plans yet?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Local Harvest

I am constantly emphasizing my belief to buy locally. Not only is the produce minimally exposed to chemicals (and thus better for your body), but the product is fresher and your local farmers benefits from your purchase. For an interesting opportunity to buy local food, check out if there are any community supported agriculture (CSA) opportunities in your area. Local Harvest is a great resource to find these types of organizations.

A CSA is basically a way for a farmer to sell his grown products to the public. Consumers can purchase a share of the farmers crop and in return they receive a box or basket of seasonal produce each week. This is a fun way to get produce that is in season while supporting your local farmers.

This summer we received produce every week from a CSA farmer, and although it is nearing the end of growing season, we received the most beautiful fall vegetables recently. I love all the colors and strong flavors of root vegetables and fall fruits. Pumpkin pie anyone?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Fall

I recently went home for the weekend, and got my first glimpse of fall. Beautiful leaves, baking apple pie, and bundling up against the crisp air. 

Take advantage of these beautiful autumn days. Get in your last few outdoor runs, take a trip to an apple orchard to pick your own seasonal produce and look up creative recipes for squashes and pumpkins. Also, get ready for some fall themed posts coming your way! 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Omelets for Lunch

Lately I have been a big fan of making omelets for lunch. I use seasonal vegetables, extra egg whites, and a small portion of cheese. This lunch provides everything I am looking for a high protein, vegetable rich meal earlier in the day.

Omelets are great for using up items in your refrigerator. As long as you have eggs, you can really add anything you want. I start off sautéing garlic and onion with a teaspoon of olive oil in a small pan. I then add cubed vegetables (my favorites are zuccini, peppers, yellow squash, and sweet potatoe) and cook until tender.

Meanwhile I beat together 1 egg, 2 additional egg whites, pepper and milk and pour into a larger pan on low heat. After the egg has cooked through, I add the vegetables and a bit of cheese, then fold over the other half of the egg and I have a delicious high protein meal.

You can add tomatoes, avocado, spinach, or anything else directly into your omelet. It is a perfect way to be creative and use up whatever you have.

I mentioned previously we were growing tomatoes on our front porch. We grew these gems despite the fight the plant had with the storms this summer. Needless to say the actual tomatoes look much better than the plant itself and were the perfect addition to my omelet.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Last Days of Summer

When I woke up this morning and checked the weather for the next week, it appears as if today is going to be the final nice day for a while.

On the flip side, I am excited for fall. The fruits and vegetables that come with fall provide ample opportunity to create new delicious seasonal meals. I am looking forward to apples, root vegetables, and of course pumpkins!

Goodbye summer, you were perfect. Hello fall!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Homegrown Tomatos

As the green leaves gradually turn into colors, our green tomatoes might finally ripen into delicious homegrown treats. The tomatoes we have been growing on our front deck have been pokey all summer and maybe these last few sunny days will redden them up. Tomatoes are one of my favorite foods as mentioned here for a multitude of reasons. They are extremely versatile in recipes and loaded with health benefits.

One of the most known health benefits is that tomatoes contain lycopene. Lycopene is an anti-oxident that helps cleanse the body of free radicals and thought to ward of various cancers.

Tomatoes also contain various vitamins such as vitamins A and C.

Tomatoes are the basis of many recipes, including BLTs, lasagna, tomatoes and mozzarella, salsas, and countless more. Search anywhere for tomato recipes and I am sure you could find something you would enjoy.

Check out some of my posted recipes that use tomatoes and look forward to more to come as soon as our tomatoes ripen!

Zucchini Rosti with Tomatoe Corn Relish
Vegetarian Lasagna
Vegetarian Panini
Tomatoes and Mozzarella (my personal favorite!)

Friday, September 2, 2011

Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend!

Have a beautiful Labor Day weekend. Try to get outside and enjoy the end of summer. Stay active, eat healthy!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Days Hike

Last week we took a family vacation to Lake Superior. The weather was ideal and we visited beautiful little towns, went on vigorous hikes, and were able to truly enjoy the outdoors. While I was unable to 'workout' all week, we went on multiple hikes that more than made up for the lack of a gym. It is trips like these that remind me how easy it is to work fitness into your life aside from going to the gym.

I encourage you this week, to work fitness into your daily life. Try taking the stairs whenever possible, park in the back of parking lots or going for walks after dinner to enjoy the last of these cool summer evenings.

Every little bit helps and fitness is about more than just a daily workout. When exercise is incorporated this way, it seems less like a grueling workout or in our case a tough hike seemed less like exercise when there was beautiful scenery surrounding us. Enjoy some pictures from our trip!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Protein it is!

As mentioned in my 'Update' post, I have been giving a lot of attention to my nutrition, both post workout and throughout the day. I have made a conscious effort to incorporate protein into every meal. When I say every meal I mean all 5 or 6 meals I eat a day. This method of eating works to increase energy, by keeping blood sugar levels steady. I normally eat breakfast right when I first get up and then eat about every three hours until a couple hours before bed.

Sample daily meals
Meal 1: Oatmeal, skim milk, and almonds
Meal 2: Greek yogurt and fresh berries
Meal 3: Egg white vegetable omelet
Meal 4: Fruit smoothie with Whey protein powder
Meal 5: Grilled chicken, cooked greens, and quinoa
Meal 6: Low Fat cottage cheese (close before bed)

The challenge is keeping the 5-6 mini meals, mini. It is critical that at the end of the day, the calorie content of the mini meals does not exceed what you eat in three larger meals. Make sure you get protein in each of your meals to help you feel full, build muscle, and burn fat. Check out this website for a great list of protein sources and get prepared for some delicious high protein recipes coming your way!

Friday, August 12, 2011


Now that I have gotten into my new workout routine, mentioned here, I figured I would give you an update on how it is going and what I have been doing. I have really focused on resistance training for muscle growth and interval runs for cardio, I explain the interval runs here. Here is a sample of my workout week...

Day 1: Chest and Triceps, followed by a 20 minute interval run
Day 2: Legs, followed by a 30 minute medium run or ab workout
Day 3: Back and Biceps, followed by a 20 minute interval run
Day 4: 4 mile timed run, ab workout
Day 5: Shoulders, ab workout, stretching or cross training
Day 6: Long run (up to 6 miles)
Day 7: Rest Day

I have really enjoyed this plan as I change up my routine daily and get to work specific muscle groups. Most of the exercises I do, I complete 3 sets with a high number of reps (12-15). I use dumbells for many exercises instead of machines and am constantly moving from one exercise to the next to keep my heart rate up.

I enjoy the interval runs because they are tough but they don't last long so I don't get as bored. I still have intentions of possibly training for a marathon so I need to keep up my endurance running as well.

Based on your goals, you can alter this routine to fit. Do you want to build more muscle? Incorporate more weight training into your routine, and don't overdo the cardio. Do you want to train for a long distance run? Incorporate more longer runs, instead of the interval runs. Do you want to burn fat? Incorporate more weight and resistance training, and do interval cardio sessions.

I have really enjoyed these past weeks because I have defined a definate plan but I am constantly changing up my exercises to keep my body guessing. What a lot of people don't realize is how important recovery is after a tough workout. More on that soon!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer Grillin'

It occurred to me this weekend, as we grilled out on a warm summer evening, that summer is coming to a close. I have so many things that I want to fit into these last precious weeks, including late summer night swims in the lake, kayaking, outdoor runs, and finally to get good use out of the grill. I love grilled meats, vegetables, and even mushrooms. The foods available to grill are abundant and it is fun to change up from the normal grilled hamburger and hotdog routine.

Several weeks ago, we grilled large portobello mushrooms and served them with sauteed greens. Portobello mushrooms make the perfect substitute for a burger as you can put them between two buns, and add your favorite fixings!

We marinated the mushrooms in an herb marinade (recipe below) overnight and it added the perfect touch to create this light summer meal. I am hoping for some more delicious creative ideas to make use of those last few "grill-worthy" summer evenings!

Pan- Grilled Portobello Mushrooms with Herb-Infused Marinade
from The Vegan Table (Colleen Patrick-Goudreau)

8-12 large porotbello mushrooms
1 cup balsamic vinegar
1 cup tamari soy sauce
1 cup water
3 sprigs fresh rosemary (1 tsp dried)
3 sprigs fresh thyme (1 tsp dried)
3 springs fresh oregano (1 tsp dried)
black pepper

1. Remove stems from mushrooms and clean well. In a large bowl combine all the ingredients. Add mushrooms and make sure each is covered by the marinade. Let marinade for at least 30 minutes.
2. Heat the grill to medium and cook each side 5-7 minutes until tender.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

"Health"ful Podcasts

I don't know about you but I am constantly looking for different ways of learning. I stumbled upon a couple of podcasts that offer great insight on health, nutrition and exercise through itunes. I have found that I enjoy listening to these when I am working out (it provides a bit of motivation) or driving in the car. Both of these podcasts cover a variety of topics and present information in a very easy way to understand. I highly recommend both of these podcasts.

The first is called "Build a Sexy Body". Please overlook the somewhat "lame" name as it really provides tons of great information. Dan Rodriguez hosts this podcost. Each segment is around 20 minutes, which fits perfectly into your drive too and from work! He covers everything from how to eat right to maintaining a heathy mindset. You can find the link to download the podcast for FREE here or simply search it in itunes store.

The second one is called "The Jillian Michaels Show" and offers honest information from a tough motivating trainer. I really enjoy this podcast because Jillian is charismatic, informative, and above everything else, blunt. This podcast applies to everyone. Those willing to lose weight, those that are already in great shape, or those who want to gain weight. You can find the podcast in the itunes store, and again this ones FREE!

I hope you take the time to check these free resources out. I have already learned so much from these and wish they were broadcasted more than once a week, as I have already burned through all the old segments.

Monday, July 25, 2011

"Everything tastes better over an open fire."

Please forgive me for the lack of posts last week, I took the weekend to relax and the rest of the week to reorganize. As I mentioned last week, I went canoeing and camping last weekend in Roscommon with some amazing friends. We had a blast and although we did more floating than canoeing it was fun to get a different type of exercise from the normal gym routine.

I also cannot say that we ate particularly healthy but we did eat delicious food all weekend. The second night we made "Campfire Hobo Dinners" and they were delicious. We took ground meat, potatoes, veggies, onions, and a little bit of cheese and butter, wrapped it all up in tinfoil and cooked them over the fire. It is true that everything tastes better over an open fire.

Caryn also made scrambled eggs using a plastic bag and cooking them in boiling water. I decided my new favorite camping food was "egg loaf".

We really did have a great time, and our last day we spent at South Higgins lake and enjoyed just relaxing at the beach. I think we played monkey in the middle for a good two hours in the shallow water.

I found this recipe for campfire bananas and it looks delcious. You can even make it "healthier" by using almond butter, and dark chocolate. I wish we could have tried it.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Thoroughly Impressed

Last night I found myself alone around dinner time. I was especially in the mood to cook and had no intention of eating cereal or making scrambled eggs. I looked around and found lots of fresh veggies and decided I was going to make a veggie panini wrap. It was easy to make and you can put whatever you would like in it.

I first started by grilling zuccini and red pepper on a grill using the stove (you could use a regular grill, or simply cook your vegetables in a pan with a little big of olive oil.

I also cut up some avocado, fresh mozzarella cheese and got out pesto, fresh (locally grown) greens, and 100% whole wheat wraps.

I spread some pesto on the wrap and added all of the other ingredients. I folded in the sides and placed the wrap on the grill. To make it "panini" like, I placed a baking sheet on top of the wrap, followed by a heavy can of soup to press it down, to substitute for my lack of a panini maker. 

It took a couple minutes per side. I cut in half and served with Michigan grown strawberries. I must say I was thoroughly impressed with my meal for one.

Other Ideas: I would have loved to grill up some mushrooms or add tomatoes to the panini wrap. If you want to make a "real" panini, use ciabatta bread or other thicker loafs.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Jordan Valley Triathlon

A couple weeks ago, several members of my family competed in the Jordan Valley Triathlon. This annual triathlon is a local event hosted by the East Jordan Ambulance Association. All the funds raised support the East Jordan EMS department. The triathlon was a sprint distance event, starting with a .3 mile swim, 20 mile bike and concluding with a 5K run.
Start of the swim (looks cold, I am glad I didn't have to get in)
My brother, Ben, was competing but because he hurt his knee skiing this winter he has not been able to run. He asked me the night before to do the run portion of the race. My mom was also competing but was planning on taking her time and enjoying the scenery, until she saw her arch nemesis in her 50 and up age category and then had to get serious. The highlight was that my sister was competing as well. This was her first triathlon (maybe her last too...) and she came in first in her age group, congrats Mara!

It would be a miracle if my mom could keep her eyes open for a picture

Ben did really well coming out of the water and into the first transition. Because of his bummed knee he has picked up his bike training and rocked through the bike course, coming in first into the second transition, where I had to pick up... Everyone looked a little confused as to why the first place rider was passing off to a recreational runner.  Either way, everyone had a ton of fun and it was great to support a local cause.
Ben is pretty serious about these things...
Ben was like a celebrity at the triathlon and seemed to know everyone. I always love watching him compete and am so proud of everything he has accomplished with his triathlons. He competed in the Kona Ironman World Championships last October and I wish I could have gone. I am hoping he will qualify again so I can make it the second time around. He also has a blog about his triathlon endeavors, check it out here (his most recent post is about monster trucks. It isn't about triathlons but it certainly is entertaining...).

Monday, July 11, 2011

In one week...

A week from today, I am going to start a new workout plan and would LOVE if you would join me. This Friday I  will be taking my second CPA exam and have been studying like a maniac. Unfortunately, because of all my studying I haven't been able to be nearly as active as I would like. Once I take this test, and have a relaxing weekend with some of my favorite people canoeing and camping (pictures next week), I am starting fresh.

I would really like to incorporate more weight lifting and resistance training into my workout as I am constantly reading about the benefits of this type of training, especially for women. Many women believe that weight lifting will cause us to become bulky rather than slim us down. Well ladies, our bodies are built differently than guys and we simply do not have the same amount of testosterone (Hallelujah!) as men which contributes men's bodies becoming bulky.

I am going to lift/resistance train 4 times a week, and do cardio/cross train the other days. In addition I want to make sure I get to enjoy the beautiful summer weather and get active throughout the day. I will be looking forward to some bike rides, kayaking, and swimming in the lake.

Maybe you want to reinvigorate your routine or motivate yourself, this a great opportunity for us to work together. We can share exercises and help each other stay motivated. I have tons of resources that provide great exercises and I can't wait to utilize them. SO if YOU want to start fresh, take this last week to outline your personal goals, research exercies and nutrition plans, and talk to me about what you want to accomplish.

Friday, July 8, 2011

Tomatoes and Mozzarella

Now that it is a full blown summer, there is one food that I could eat every single day and never get sick of, and that being, tomatoes and fresh mozzarella, with basil and balsamic vinegar. I love everything about it. The different textures and tastes all wrapped into one delicious bite. It is great to eat fruits and vegetables in season and summer is a perfect time for tomatoes.

We grow tomatoes on our front porch every year but unfortunately they won't be ready until the end of summer but I cannot wait until then (obviously).

We also have a fresh herb garden and until shortly it has not been flourishing. But now that it is getting warmer the basil is thriving.

If you have never tried tomato and mozzarella I highly recommend it. It is easy and makes a delicious summer snack or side! Simply slice tomatoes, and top with fresh mozzarella, sprinkle fresh basil and add a touch of balsamic vinegar. Enjoy all the delicious fresh foods that come with mid summer months.

What is your favorite summer food?

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Save Michigan: Buy Local

I am constantly reminded of the importance of  buying locally grown organic foods. It is vital to our health and wellness, as there are thousands of chemicals being pumped into our food supply that we have no control over. We have yet to understand and experience the health effects these chemicals may have on our bodies.

There are various resources that I learn about the importance of organic foods. In particular, this blog (which I love) titled, Amanda Jane, posted about the importance of buying local. Amanda is a graphic designer from Ann Arbor, Michigan who has designed a print series to promote Michigan. You can check out her prints here. This print is one of my favorites as it encourages buying local.

Save Michigan, Buy Local; Amanda Jane,  Jones Press
You can even buy a screen printed t-shirt here.
Do you know how to go about buying locally? Check out this website and it will help you find farmers and markets in your area, CSAs, and organic health food stores.

Want to learn more about Michigan and all the gems it has to offer, check out I heart MI, where one of my favorite people shares her adventures throughout the mitten state!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Survey Results!

The results are in from last weeks survey, found here! I enjoyed learning about all of your preferences relating to exercise. This will help me focus on topics of interest that will, hopefully, benefit all of you. Here are the results...

While, most people enjoyed working out at the gym, exercising outside and at home came up close behind. This post from earlier this week provides lots of great exercises for the gym. But for those of you who enjoy working out at home and outside, I found this site that offers countless options for tough exercises that you don't need gym equipment for! Take a look at these sites and design a workout plan for you. I use resources like these to help plan my daily workout. If you have a schedule and set goals, you are much more likely to have efficient workouts while maintaining motivation to exercise every day!

The results of the type of activities people enjoy doing were more evenly spaced. Most people, including myself, enjoy a variety of activities. Here are some good resources to accommodate all these different interests.

I use Gmaps Pedometer when I am planning on running outside. It is a great resource to measure distance outside, either running/walking or biking! It is really easy to use and you can plan out a route around your house or anywhere else for that matter.

I posted last week about two resources, Netflix, and,  that offer exercise videos that you could do at home, including great pilates and yoga videos.

For those of you who enjoy the outdoors, check out this link to find the best trails around your area for hiking, mountain biking, and trail running.

Again, for more weight lifting tips and exercises check out the Healthy Habits blog, featured here.

As for the feedback on my blog, I enjoyed everyones responses. Many people are interested in more recipes and abdominal exercises. I have lots of great stuff I can't wait to share. Look forward to some delicious summer recipes, a local triathlon, and an informative podcast coming soon!

Have a happy Fourth of July, be safe, stay active, and enjoy a beautiful summer weekend!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Health Habits Defined

Check out this health habits blog, specifically this link to find a great resource for weight lifting/resistance training exercises. Doug has set up a 20 week workout schedule that includes videos for exercises and different plans depending on your goals. I am excited to look through what he has outlined and liven up my workout regimen, as it needs some variety!

Also, results from last weeks survey will be posted soon. If you haven't had a chance to complete the survey, you can find the link here.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Do you have Netflix?

If you do, there are lots of great "Sports and Fitness" workout videos that stream instantly to your computer, including pilates, yoga, abdominal workouts, and even martial arts and kickboxing workouts! These are perfect for those rainy days (like those we have been experiencing this week) when you don't feel up to running outside in the torrential downpour or making it to the gym.

This afternoon, I completed a pilates video and might do another one later tonight. It was a nice change up from the weight lifting and running that has identified as my workout lately.

Don't have Netflix? Exercisetv has tons of online workout videos  you can do in your basement (and unlike Netflix, you don't need a subscription). It takes a bit of time to dig through all the options to find something that works for you. But, for the chance to workout for free, without having to brave the elements, makes it totally worth it!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

How do you like to workout?

My favorite place to workout is at the gym. Something about trying to run faster than the person next to me or learning new exercises from others fuels my motivation throughout my workout. I made up a quick survey about where and how others like to workout. It will only take 1 minute and as soon as I receive enough responses I will post the results!

Click here to take the survey.

Friday, June 17, 2011


Growing up, I was never one to order fish but more recently (maybe since I discovered the health benefits) I have begun to enjoy fish every now and then. Last night was one of those times. I made pan fried blackened Tilapia with a lime mayonnaise dressing and it was delicious.

Fish is a low fat  high protein food that provides us Omega-3 and Omega- 6 fatty acids, both of which our body cannot produce on its own, as well as a multitude of vitamins and minerals. Tilapia is a mild fish, lacking the fishy flavor that turns many off from enjoying fish.

We were in a hurry to eat yesterday and this dinner took 15 minutes to make, perfect for weeknight cooking. I started off rubbing blackening seasoning on Tilapia filets and then pan frying them in a couple tablespoons of olive oil, about 3-4 minutes per side on medium high heat.

Meanwhile, I mixed up a simple light sauce for the fish. Mayonnaise (at our house we use Veganaise, a vegan's substitute for mayonnaise that actually tastes quite good) lime juice, and fresh cilantro.

I also steamed some fresh green beans to serve with the fish. A small dollop of the mayonnaise sauce evened out the spicy Cajun flavor of the blackened seasoning and provided a well balanced healthy meal, fast!

Try making fish at your house some night this upcoming week!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Green Tea

It has been well researched that drinking green tea is beneficial for burning body fat, but you can get even better fat burning results from taking green-tea extract supplements. Green-tea extract (in the form of supplements) is easier to measure and regulate than drinking the tea itself. But if you are craving a hot beverage, opt for green tea instead of chai tea or coffee to reap the benefits of green tea.

Green tea is made using the leaves of the Chinese Camellia sinensis plant. The leaves are either steamed or dry cooked shortly after picking to minimize oxidation, which gives the tea the benefits it is credited with.

The active ingredient in green tea is called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant, with anti-inflammatory, cholesterol reducing benefits that is responsible for boosting your metabolic rate!

Take 200 to 500 milligrams of green-tea extract (50% EGCG) three times per day or enjoy a cup of steaming green tea multiple times a day!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Check this out!

I follow a multitude of blogs covering a variety of my interests. One of them, This is Why You're Thin!, is a great resource for delicious recipes! The author of this blog commits to eating healthier and moving more. She has posted some great recipes from her own cookbook collections and contributions from favorite readers. I cannot wait to try out this summer meal!

Check it out for yourself!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Body Weight Leg Matrix

Over the past year I have been gradually incorporating more weight lifting into my workouts. I stuck to a regimen throughout the year and during this time I learned about a fat burning workout called a leg matrix. This is a great way to end a workout, leaving your body exhausted and legs burning! This matrix is easy to do at home because all you need is your own body weight. It is highly effective for both fat loss, and cardiovascular conditioning. Here is how the matrix works...

Perform all four exercises without resting between exercises.

24 squats; place your hands behind your head and squat until your knees make a 90 degree angle, return to starting position and repeat
24 squat jumps; squat, leap as high as you can and repeat, while maintaining good form
12 lunges (each leg); alternate your legs, moving slowly and fluidly
12 lunge jumps (each leg); lunge, leap as high as you can switching your leg positioning, landing in a new lunge position, and repeat

For all these exercises, ensure that your knees do not extend past your toes. Also keep your back straight and your core tight.

Rest after one circuit for twice as long as it took you to complete the circuit and repeat 2 or 3 times. Do this circuit 2 times a week at the end of your workout to add some variety and metabolism boosting exercises to your workout!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hash browns for Dinner?

Who doesn't love breakfast food, especially hash browns? Last night I made something that closely resembled hash browns, but for dinner! It was called Vegetable Rosti with Tomato-Corn Relish and was delicious! Check out the recipe here from Vegetarian Times. This was simple (and exciting) to make. It was loaded with vegetables including zucchini and organic carrots making this the perfect wholesome meal!

I served watermelon with this dish and between the bright pink of the melon and the yellow and red of the relish, a bright summer meal was created!

Next time I am going to try making these with sweet potatoes for some added flavor and a different texture or top with sauteed mushrooms instead of the relish! Make sure you use fresh herbs to enhance the flavor of the vegetables and feel free to try out different combinations of vegetables! Happy healthy cooking!