Sunday, October 30, 2011

Leg Gauntlet

I have tried many different leg workouts depending on the sport in season during high school and college. But now that I am no longer athletically competitive I have adopted my own leg workout to allow my thigh muscles to actually fit in a pair of skinny jeans.

I love using dumbbells and the cable machine for leg workouts. Instead of doing squats using a barbell with tons of weight (that was normally required for sports) I like to do different variations of squats and lunges for 15-20 reps allowing longer leaner muscle to develop. I normally do a leg workout twice a week and those two workouts are always the hardest.

Here is my most recent leg workout that has continuously made me sore for two days afterwards. I like to do supersets, to keep my heart rate up and really burn out my legs. For more information on supersets, click here.

A1: Walking lunges (10lb dumbbells) 3 sets 15 reps each leg
-I enjoy the walking lunges because if forces you to tighten your core to maintain balance as well and allows for fluid movement from one lunge to the next. It is good to switch up the exercises to keep your body guessing and there are numerous versions of the basic lunge to change up your workout.
A2: Plie Dumbbell Squat (hold both 10lb dumbbells together) 3 sets 15-20 reps

B1: Glute Ham Raise (10lb plate weight held on the chest) 3 sets 15-20 reps
-This workout is great for all of the muscles on the backside of your body. There are various machines in gyms that you can do this on. In addition to the one shown in the video, here is another variation that works equally well.
B2: Lying Leg Curls 3 sets 10 reps
- I like to do one leg at a time to ensure I am not overcompensating for a weaker side.

C1: One Leg Cable Kickback (10lb plate) 3 sets 15 reps each leg
C2: Calf Press on Leg Press Machine (140 lb) 3 sets 8-10 reps

D1: Jumping Squats 3 sets 25 reps
D2: Bridge 3 sets 20 reps each leg
- I like to do this one with only one foot on the ground at a time. I raise the other leg so my leg is extended parallel to the floor

If you can manage, go for a 20-30 minute jog following your weight lifting. It is easy to adjust this workout based on your goals. Increase the weight, and decrease the reps if you are wishing to build more bulk. I prefer to have lighter weights and higher reps. You should alter every one of these exercises and change up the types of exercises for your legs  every couple workouts. Good luck getting onto the toilet after this workout!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Fall Canning

One of my favorite things about fall is the delicious fruits and vegetables that accompany the crisp air. When I was at my parents a few weekends ago, my mom was busy canning peaches and tomatoes. I managed to take some back home with me. Canned fruits and vegetables are nice to have when the dead of winter doesn't want to give way to spring and are very versitle when cooking.

Peaches and cottage cheese are one of my favorite snacks, and it will be nice to enjoy this high protein snack year round. This snack is one of my favorite pre workout snacks, as it provides protein, sugar and carbs to give me a boost in my workout.

The tomatoes this year were pokey, but when they finally ripened, were delicious. I can't wait to enjoy these year around. Last week, I made Chili with a jar of my mom's tomatoes. Chili is such an easy soup to make that boasts lots of protein.

You can put whatever you would like in your chili, here is generally what I add...

Canned diced tomatoes
Kidney beans
Black beans
Tomato paste
Ground turkey
Chili powder

Brown the turkey, and combine all ingredients in large pot. Cook over low heat for several hours. Enjoy!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Happy Sunny Friday!

Hello sunshine! I am not sure about the weather near you but for me, this week has been absolutely gorgeous. I can't wait to get outside this weekend and enjoy the sun (I have been missing my vitamin D).

Try to get out this weekend, soak up some rays, go to a farmers market or take a walk through your neighborhood. Do you have any plans yet?

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The Local Harvest

I am constantly emphasizing my belief to buy locally. Not only is the produce minimally exposed to chemicals (and thus better for your body), but the product is fresher and your local farmers benefits from your purchase. For an interesting opportunity to buy local food, check out if there are any community supported agriculture (CSA) opportunities in your area. Local Harvest is a great resource to find these types of organizations.

A CSA is basically a way for a farmer to sell his grown products to the public. Consumers can purchase a share of the farmers crop and in return they receive a box or basket of seasonal produce each week. This is a fun way to get produce that is in season while supporting your local farmers.

This summer we received produce every week from a CSA farmer, and although it is nearing the end of growing season, we received the most beautiful fall vegetables recently. I love all the colors and strong flavors of root vegetables and fall fruits. Pumpkin pie anyone?

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy Fall

I recently went home for the weekend, and got my first glimpse of fall. Beautiful leaves, baking apple pie, and bundling up against the crisp air. 

Take advantage of these beautiful autumn days. Get in your last few outdoor runs, take a trip to an apple orchard to pick your own seasonal produce and look up creative recipes for squashes and pumpkins. Also, get ready for some fall themed posts coming your way!