Thursday, May 26, 2011

Inter-coastal Cable Pull-down

My new favorite exercise, which I just discovered this past week is called the inter-costal cable pull-down. The inter-coastal section of your abdominals runs along your ribs. The inter-costal cable pull-down targets this area as well as your obliques. What you need is a cable cross-over machine which most gyms provide.

Set the cable at the very top and adjust the weight (you may have to play with the weight to figure out what works for you) and kneel on the floor with your back to the weight rack and your torso bent slightly forward. Keep your butt of your heels and you should be holding the handle above your head with your arms angled out and bent.

Contract your obliques, bringing your upper torso towards the floor so your elbows nearly touch your knees. Think of it as curling over a small beach ball. Return slowly to starting position and repeat. Do three sets of 20-40 reps and play around with different weights.

This exercise is a little awkward when starting off but once you do it a couple times, you understand what parts of your abs it works and can really focus on isolating those regions.

Bonus: This is also a good exercise for your triceps!

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